Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What To Look For In A Landscape Design Software

The main objective of this article is to help you find the best landscape design software for your specific needs whether you are a professional designer or a DIY homeowner. The following are some factors that you may want to consider when looking for a landscaping program.

1. Features

A professional landscaper needs a program that has advanced features that will make landscape design easy. If you are an average homeowner, a program with basic features will do. Most landscaping programs have thousands of features so, be sure to find one that has all the features that you may need. Complicated software programs should only be used by professionals. Beginners should try to find simple programs for their personal use.

2. Simplicity

A programs that is easy to understand and simple to use is desirable. An intuitive program will come in handy especially if you are new to landscaping. The best programs are easy to use and the average user can run the program and explore its features and capabilities without any problem. A program that does not have a steep learning curve is desirable for users of every level.

Look for programs that have intuitive graphical user interface. This will make it easy for you to find the features you need to finish your design project quickly.

3. Price

Compare different products that have similar functions and choose the most affordable one. The quality and features of the program should match its price.

4. Support

Every good thing has its downside. When it comes to landscape design software, you will often encounter bugs when using the program. In such cases, you may need technical support. Therefore, you should buy a program that comes with good technical support.

Look for a software firm that offers support in terms of training materials, telephone support, online forums, live chat, FAQ page and email support. If you experience any problem when using the program, you can refer to these materials or call the company's technical support team.

5. Performance

There is nothing as annoying as having to wait for 5 to 10 minutes for the software to respond to a simple click. Look for programs that have a quick response.

However, you should know that apart from the software itself, response time is also influenced by the speed of your computer among other factors.


These are the main factors to consider when looking for landscape design software. Good luck on your search.

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